Montag, 8. März 2010


Hi everybody!

I write about Guangzhou, one of the biggest metropolis of China. At first some facts about this town:
Of course this city belongs to China. It has 10.045.800 inhabitants and it's the capital of the province Guangdong and also an important town of trade and industry. The urban area is 3843,4 squarekilometers. The Chinese also call it "town of caprines", because of the legends saying that five spiked winged gods riding on caprines came from the South Seas after a bad harvest 900 years ago. They blessed the city not to relive a dearth again. Then the gods left without the caprines which turned into stone. Therefore in 19 59 they built the town's landmark, a statue of five caprines, you can still visit in Yuexiu-Park.

Two times in a year the biggest trade show of China takes place in Guangzhou. 2005 they began to build the world's highest television tower(610m).
Because of laying on the Perl River,it has a monsoon-clime. And the mean annual temperature is 22C. There they speak Cantonese, a dialect of China, and the Chinese often says that the Cantonese eat all that can swims, flys and has 4 legs, of course they don't eat something like a car or a plain. So the manifold cantonese cuisine can also pamper europeans. But rarely, you meet dogs and snakes on the cantonese menu. Some people detest seing pictures of dogs or turtles on the plate and they execrate those people who eats those animals. And what's about the breed of pigs or cows? They're also animals. First of all, this kind of dishes have been got rarer and rarer. But I think each culture has its own cuisine.

At least, you can walk along the Perl River to enjoy the romantic scene, when the night is coming and the lights are gleaming - a really beautiful picture!

Now I'tell you some sights of this town:

  1. Yuexiu park - the biggest in the city

  2. Huaisheng mosque founded by the first muslim missionary

  3. Guangxiao temple - the oldest in town

  4. The Temple of the ancestors of the family Chen where the people in the Qing-dynasty whose name was Chen had to sacrifice their ancestors

Xuan Hy

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