Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

Washington is so cool!!!

HEY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Washington D.C. is the capitel and the seat of goverment of the USA. And i know that you know it,BUT
do you know what D.C. mean???

HA!!! I know it!!!
D.C. is the short cut for District of Columbia. District of Columbia is identic with downtown of Washington. This area isn't a part of a state, it comes after the congress of the USA.

Washington is named after George Washington, the first president of the United States.
District of Columbia is named after Columbia, a poetic appellation for the USA.
Washington has a area of 177km² and 589.436 habitans. It was established 16. July 1790. The mayor is Adrian M. Fenty.
Its base on the East Coast of the land 35 km in the west is the Chesapeak Bay, a bay from the Atlantic Ocean. In the year 2000 was the biggest religion Roman Catholic with 160.048, 100 000 more people than Moslems, American Baptist Churches USA with 51.852, Southern Baptist Convention
with 38.852, 25.500 Jews and the anglican Episcopal Church with 19.698 inhabitans.

I hope that is enough for you and you learned something about Washington.

Datei:WashMonument WhiteHouse.jpg

The Washington Monument and the White House.

2 Kommentare:

  1. There is a mistake : You have to write The rest I will write ...

  2. I corrected a few of them. I hope, you understand this text better than before. (Who ever wrote that comment, it's pretty needless.)

    @Sophie: What did you mean with " it comes after the congress of the USA." Do you mean it was founded then?
